
Does Changing Motorcycle Engine Oil Affect Performance?

You know motorcycles need regular maintenance, like changing the oil, to keep them running smoothly. Even if you understand how important oil changes are, you might still wonder: how often should I do it? We’re here to help answer your questions and keep your bike in great shape. When it’s time for your next oil change, schedule a meeting with our team at Fubex Lubricants.

To make sure your motorcycle stays in good shape, it’s important to do maintenance regularly. One of the most crucial parts of this is changing the engine oil. This keeps the engine healthy and helps it last longer.

Importance of Engine Oil In Maintaining Motorcycle Performance

The engine is the heart of a motorbike. Even if you have the newest and best bike in town, not taking care of the engine can make your ride bad.

A bike engine has many parts that work together to make the bike go. These parts rub against each other and create friction. To keep the bike running smoothly, you need to change the engine oil regularly.

There are three kinds of engine oil for a motorbike: synthetic, semi-synthetic, and mineral. They cost different amounts and work in various ways. Fast bikes use synthetic oil because it keeps engine parts moving smoothly and can handle high heat better than other oils.

Engine oil’s main job is to make sure all parts of the engine stay lubricated, which helps reduce friction and wear.

Synthetic engine oil helps cool down the engine parts by carrying away heat. When the engine stops, the oil goes back into the oil pan and cools down there, too.

To help bikes last longer and ride smoothly, owners should use synthetic engine oil. They should also change the oil regularly to keep the engine healthy.

Role of Engine Oil In Motorcycle Engines

Engine oil does a lot of important things to keep an engine running smoothly.


The main job of engine oil is to make sure all the moving parts inside the engine stay lubricated. This stops them from rubbing too much and wearing out quickly.


When the engine burns fuel, and parts rub together, they make heat. Engine oil helps cool things down by moving some of this heat away. It works with the coolant that cools other parts of the engine.


Engine oil helps keep the engine clean by carrying away tiny bits of dirt and leftover stuff from burning fuel. It takes them to the oil filter, which catches them so they can’t make the engine dirty.

Protection Against Corrosion

When fuel burns in the engine, it makes acid that can harm metal parts. New engine oils have additives that slow this down. Over time, though, the oil can get old and stop protecting the metal. That’s why it’s important to change the oil regularly.


Engine oil keeps the engine sealed up tight, especially around the pistons and cylinders. It makes a protective layer between the parts and fills in any gaps that might show up. To keep the engine running smoothly, check the oil level often and change it when necessary. Using old oil for too long can harm the engine and its parts.

Types Of Motorcycle Engine Oil: Conventional Vs. Synthetic

Four types of motor oil exist: synthetic, synthetic blend, high mileage, and conventional. Each type has unique features to help you choose the best one for your car. Consider these details when selecting between synthetic, regular, or a blend of oils for your vehicle.

This will help you select the best oil for your vehicle. Think about the specific needs of your car before making a decision. Take into account factors such as mileage, age, and driving conditions.

Synthetic Motor Oil

Synthetic motor oil is made especially with very pure molecules. It works better in both very hot and very cold temperatures compared to regular oil. It also has stronger additives.

Synthetic Blend Motor Oil

Synthetic blend motor oil mixes synthetic and regular oils. It’s good at resisting wear and works well in cold weather.

High-Mileage Motor Oil 

High-mileage motor oil is for cars with more than 75,000 miles. It has special stuff in it to stop oil from burning off and to keep older engines from leaking. Fubex makes different kinds of high-mileage motor oil, like Platinum High Mileage Full Synthetic Motor Oil and High Mileage Motor Oil.

Conventional Motor Oil 

Conventional motor oil comes in different thicknesses and quality levels. It is good for simple engines and for people who drive regularly, not in tough conditions.

Scientists make synthetic oil in labs, while natural oil found underground is the source of conventional oil.

Conventional oil has different-sized molecules and is less thick, which can affect how well the engine works at high speeds. On the other hand, synthetic oil has evenly sized molecules and is denser.

Both synthetic and conventional oils have additives that make them thicker and prevent problems like rust or bubbles. However, synthetic oil is better because it works well in both cold and hot weather and can make the engine last longer by reducing stress and heat.

Importance of Regular Oil Changes for Engine Health

Regular oil changes are really good for your car. Here’s why:

  1. Keeps your engine running smoothly: Over time, old oil can’t keep the moving parts of your engine slippery. Regular oil changes make sure your engine stays slick and lowers the chance of engine problems.
  2. Improving fuel economy: New oil reduces friction in the engine, which helps your car use less fuel.
  3. Makes your engine last longer: Changing oil regularly helps the engine last longer, preventing wear and ensuring the car runs well for a long time.

If you don’t change your oil regularly, it can cause a lot of problems for your car’s engine. Over time, dirt and debris in the old oil can turn into sludge. This sludge can block oil passages and can prevent the engine from getting lubricated properly.

It can make the engine wear out faster, perform worse, and sometimes even break down completely.

Using old, dirty oil can also cause the engine to overheat. This can damage engine parts, leading to expensive repairs or replacements.

We know it’s important to get this service regularly. Follow your car manufacturer’s oil change schedule and use good products. If you do this and get service from Fubex Lubricants, it can help keep your car’s engine safe and save you money on repairs you didn’t expect.

Impact of Engine Oil On Motorcycle Performance

The number on the oil bottle tells you how thick it is. For example, 10W-50 is thicker than 10W-30 when it’s hot. Thinner oils are better in cold weather, while thicker ones are good for when it’s hot. It’s really important to use the right kind for your bike so it runs well and stays safe.

If the oil is too thin, it might not stick well to the fast-moving parts in your engine. That can make things rub too much, get too hot, and wear out faster. If it’s too thick, it might not reach all the parts it needs to, like the cylinder walls, which can also cause more wear.

The best advice is always to use the kind of oil that your bike’s maker says is best. That way, your bike works well and stays safe.

Using a thinner oil would help the engine work better and make more power. But it could wear out the engine faster. Instead, using a high-performance oil that the motorcycle maker recommends can reduce friction. This helps the engine work its best and stay safe.

Bottom Line

Changing your motorcycle’s engine oil is really important for keeping it in good shape. The oil helps parts move easily, cools them down, keeps them clean, and stops them from rusting. 

There are different types of oil, and synthetic crude often works best because it handles hot and cold weather well. Regular oil changes help your motorcycle last longer and prevent problems.

Follow your bike’s guide for the right oil and change it often. This way, your bike will run smoothly and safely. Remember, you can get your oil changed at Fubex Lubricants to keep your bike in great condition!


Q1: How often should I change my motorcycle’s engine oil for optimal performance?

Ans: You should change the engine oil every 3,000 to 5,000 kilometres. Even if your engine seems fine, not changing the oil could cause problems later on. Just keep track of how far you drive each day to know when it’s time for an oil change.

Q2: Does using a higher grade of engine oil improve motorcycle performance?

Ans: Thinner oils are better when it’s cold, and thicker oils work better when it’s hot. Choosing the right kind for your motorcycle is crucial to ensure it works well and stays safe.

Q2: Can neglecting regular oil changes lead to decreased motorcycle performance over time?

Ans: Not changing oil regularly can make motorcycle parts wear out faster, decrease performance, and lead to serious engine damage.

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