
Why It’s Important to Change Your CVT Fluid and When to Do It?

CVT Fluid

The CVT transmission is crucial to your car’s good performance, so it is essential to change the fluids. A CVT is an automatic transmission that employs a pair of pulleys linked by a chain or belt. 

Thus, there are no gears to shift to make your car accelerate smoothly and efficiently. However, it would help if you change the fluids at appropriate times to keep it working right. In this guide, you will learn the why, when, and what of regenerative CVT fluid change.

What is a CVT?

A continuously variable transmission, or CVT, is an automatic transmission used in most cars today. However, unlike conventional transmissions, it employs a belt and pulleys system instead of gears adhered to a shaft. 

This makes the vehicle accelerate from one speed to another without any jerk. As the CVT operates, it improves how a car accelerates and supports fuel conservation. However, to keep it running well, some measures must be applied to maintain the asset.

What Makes CVT Unique?

A CVT is considered different from normal automatic transmission because it does not have the set gears. Instead of a braking method, it relies on the belt and pulley to reduce speed. This also makes the ride comfortable, and the car consumes less fuel than when fully loaded. 

However, the CVT’s life, or longevity, depends on how you maintain it consistently to ensure it runs smoothly for a long duration.

When to Change CVT Transmission Fluid?

The correct time to change the CVT fluid will vary depending on your car, driving habits, and the conditions in which you expose your vehicle. Most car makers suggest replacing the transmission liquid every 30’000 -60,000 miles.

Newer cars may get by without a change until they have recorded 100,000 miles on the clock. Ideally, you should check your car’s manual or consult with a mechanic for the precise moment to get your vehicle inspected.

Fubex CVT Transmission Fluid Change Interval

Your car may have a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT); for that, it uses a special Fubex CVT oil instead of the usual transmission oil. But, yes, how often must you change it? For normal use, Fubex advises that the CVT fluid be changed after every 60,000 miles or once every 96,500 kilometers with the additional factor of severe use considered. These include:

  • Brief rides measured in miles, under five in good weather, and 10 in freezing conditions.
  • Congestion and slow, frequent acceleration and deceleration, especially when the weather is hot.
  • Rugged, dusty, muddy or roads containing salt deposits.
  • Drawing a trailer or loading a lot.

But if your driving is less harsh, Fubex’s advice is that you may be able to go much longer between changes of the CVT fluid. However, the intervals can be between 60000-100000 miles, and change is recommended for the smooth running of the car. Car users should always consult the car’s owner manual or visit Fubex for the best advice a vehicle requires.

If you put the wrong transmission fluid into your car, you will ruin your vehicle, so always use Fubex’s recommended CVT fluid. If something unusual is heard or felt or there is poor performance while driving, the automobile should be taken for a check-up. 

The CVT fluid works to help the transmission, so when the fluid level is low, or the liquid is dirty, it can lead to some problems with how your car operates. If one fails to check these fluids, big issues may occur.

The Fubex CVT fluid is changed by getting at the drain plug located at the base of the transmission. Make sure to put another pan below to collect the old fluid and then unscrew the plug. After the old fluid has drained out, insert the plug back & then pour Fubex CVT oil into the transmission.

Fubex CVT Transmission Fluid Change Schedule

Fubex recommends changing your CVT fluid based on how you drive. If you drive in “severe” conditions, changing the fluid every 60,000 miles (about 96,500 kilometers) is a good idea. Severe conditions include:

  • Taking many short trips (less than 5 miles when it’s normal outside or less than 10 miles when it’s freezing).
  • Driving in heavy traffic when it’s hot.
  • Driving on dusty, rough, or salty roads.
  • Towing a trailer or carrying heavy stuff.

If you drive in “less severe” conditions, Fubex might say you can wait longer between fluid changes or don’t need to change the fluid.

The Role of Transmission Fluid in a CVT

Transmission fluid in a CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) is important and does much more than help the parts move.

How Transmission Fluid Works

The best thing you have to do to maintain your CVT is to ensure that the transmission fluid is replaced. This fluid is immersed in the transmission system to coat the moving parts through which the car’s power is transmitted (or makes them slippery) and cools the parts. 

Eventually, the fluid may become dirty or even thinned out. Transmission might not function properly when that happens; one day, it can entirely break down. So, it’s super critical to keep the transmission fluid as clean and at the right level as possible.

What Happens If You Don’t Change the Fluid

Your transmission will not work as well if the fluid gets dirty or is too thin to work efficiently. At the worst level, it could cease to operate at all but perform its share adequately. Your fluid must be clean and at the correct level to prevent any damage arising from a damaged or chaffed transmission.

The smooth operation of this CVT transmission can be done by altering the fluid frequently. All the car makers advise replacing it after every 30,000 to 60,000 kilometers of use, depending on the type of car. 

This assists in checking if the fluid is still good and won’t affect the transmission. This might mean that some vehicles require a more frequent fluid change by usage or age. At times, car makers may recommend a change of the fluid through what is called a full flush rather than a change.

Changing Your CVT Transmission Fluid: The Key to Good Care

Regularly changing your CVT transmission fluid is important for caring for your car.

When to Change the Fluid

Most car makers say you should change the CVT transmission fluid every 30,000 to 60,000 miles. This helps keep the fluid fresh and prevents damage to the transmission. But how often you need to change it can depend on your car, how you drive, and how old it is. Some car makers suggest changing the fluid more often or flushing the transmission fluid fully.

Picking the Right Fluid

When changing the CVT transmission fluid, it’s important to use the right kind. Different cars need different types of transmission fluid. So, check your owner’s manual or ask a mechanic to determine what fluid is best for your vehicle.

The Risks of Wrong Fluid Levels

It’s important to use the right amount of fluid when changing the CVT transmission fluid. Putting in too much or not enough can damage the transmission and lead to expensive repairs.

Severe Service Conditions

Sometimes, cars are used in really tough conditions, called “severe service.” When this happens, it’s important to check the CVT fluid more often, and it might need to be changed sooner than the car company suggests. Here are some examples of severe service:

  • Driving up steep hills
  • Driving in deep mud or snow
  • Going off-road
  • Carrying heavy stuff
  • Driving in very hot weather
  • Towing something heavy

The CVT fluid can get super hot and wear out faster in these situations. This can make the fluid not work as well, and it can even leave gunk behind. Using fresh CVT fluid helps keep all the parts inside the transmission running smoothly by lubricating, cooling, and cleaning them. By changing your CVT fluid regularly, you can:

  • Get rid of old, worn-out fluid.
  • Help your transmission last longer by stopping damage and buildup.
  • Lower the chance of your transmission breaking early.
  • Make sure your car shifts gears smoothly when you drive.

Choosing the Right CVT Fluid

Picking the right CVT fluid is important for keeping your transmission working well and lasting long. It’s best to use a fully synthetic CVT fluid because it helps all the parts work together smoothly, transfers power better, and makes everything last longer. 

Here are some great benefits of using Fubex transmission fluid:

  • Better Fuel Efficiency: It helps the transmission run better, saving gas.
  • Longer Transmission Life: It stays strong in hot temperatures and helps prevent wear and tear, so your transmission lasts longer.
  • Great Driving Experience: It balances power, works well in cold weather, and makes less noise while driving.

Bottom Line

Changing the CVT fluid at appropriate intervals contributes to your car’s well-being and longevity. If you fail to change the fluid, your transmission may wear out and have issues booting. 

PVC should also not be used interchangeably with other fluids as it may lead to costly repairs depending on your car’s make. The replacement of fluids will ensure that your vehicle operates optimally and assure you of long-term use of the car.

If you need a place you can trust to tend to your car needs, let us assist you with your transmission and other services here at Ike Honda. You are free to make an appointment online at any time convenient. 

We also have special service packages where you get different things to do for the car depending on what you want. If you have any queries, you can reach us by calling or sending a message online — thank you for choosing us for your transmission fluids needs; we would like to provide you with the utmost service possible.


Q1: What happens if I don’t change my CVT transmission fluid?

Ans: It can get contaminated and thick if you don’t change your CVT transmission fluid. This can block parts of the transmission, making your car shift gears slower or act weird. Sometimes, the transmission could break completely if you don’t change the fluid in time.

Q2: How can you stop your CVT transmission from breaking?

Ans: It would help to change the fluid regularly to keep your CVT transmission from breaking. Your car’s manual will tell you when to do this, usually every 50,000 or 100,000 kilometers. Changing the fluid on time helps the transmission last longer and ensures it works well every time you drive.

Q3: Does changing transmission fluid help your car?

Ans: Yes! Changing the transmission fluid helps your car run better. It can save gas, keep the transmission parts from wearing out too fast, and make switching gears feel smoother. This makes your car drive more smoothly overall.

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